Impacts of land-use and land-cover change on rural livelihoods

Land-use and land-cover (LULC) changes have been observed in Sierra Leone, but to what extent they impact rural livelihoods, amidst investment by multinational companies in non-food crops and mining, remains a grey area in the scientific discourse. Against this backdrop, this study attempts, for the first time, to investigate the spatio …Web

Forest cover in India: A victim of technicalities

The forest cover reported by forest surveys does not distinguish between natural forests and artificial. ... Assessing the impact of mining on deforestation in India. Resources Policy, Volume 60, 2019, pp. 23-35. Ram Ranjan. Product switching and efficiency in a declining small-scale fishery.Web

Study estimates how much deforestation could increase if …

According to this study, mining in the areas concerned could increase the impact on the forest by 20% and lead to losses worth up to USD 5 billion in ecosystem services such as rainfall regulation ...Web

How big is the footprint? Quantifying offsite effects of mines on

The impact of mining stage and ecosystem type on understory structure in the mine offsite landscapes. ... Unlike vascular plants, bryophyte cover differed between mining stages in coniferous forests and lichen cover was affected in open canopy ecosystems (Fig. 3). These trends were observed near both operating and non-operating …Web

Land use and cover change dynamics in Zambia's Solwezi copper mining

Mining activities are linked to changes in land cover, which have significant effects on different land uses in which forests are negatively impacted upon [22, 55]. One crucial challenge for the new mining districts is the population boo [38] .Web

Deforestation and Forest Loss

When in history did we lose it? In the chart we see how the cover of the earth's surface has changed over the past 10,000 years. This is shortly after the end of …Web

Venezuelan Amazon deforestation expands due to lawlessness, mining

More than 140,000 hectares (346,000 acres) of primary forest in the Venezuelan Amazon were lost between 2016 and 2020, deforestation that was driven by illegal mining, agricultural expansion, and ...Web

Determination of the Impacts of Mining Activities on Land Cover …

Mining impacts on forest cover change in a tropical forest using remote sensing and spatial information from 2001–2019 A case study of Odisha (India) Journal …Web

Strategic planning to mitigate mining impacts on protected

The final land-use and land-cover classes were forest, other non-native vegetation (including herbaceous and shrubby pasture, secondary vegetation and deforestation), silviculture, urban, mining ...Web

Quantifying the impacts of opencast mining on

In the Indian context, Ranjan (2019) assessed the effects of mining activity on deforestation across more than 300 districts in India, and they reported that mineral groups, such as coal, iron, and limestone, had the most severe impacts on forest cover loss. But this study lacks the spatial delineation of forest cover loss due to mining ...Web

Assessing the impact of mining on deforestation in India

Explores impact of mining on deforestation across 314 districts of India for 2001–2014. Impact of key minerals such as iron, coal, bauxite, limestone and granite is assessed. Coal, iron or limestone producing districts suffered 450 sq km of extra forest cover loss. Districts not producing any of the key minerals had 350 km 2 lower forest loss.Web

Resource extraction and infrastructure threaten forest …

forest cover. While mining concessions in the northern edge of. ... Johnson K (2017) Characterizing the Impacts of Coal Mining on Forest Loss and. Protected Areas in Sumatra, Indonesia (2000-2014).Web

An update on global mining land use | Scientific Data

Mining can cause a wide range of adverse impacts during mining operation and ... Virro, H., Mander, U. & Uuemaa, E. Increasing fragmentation of forest cover in brazil's legal amazon from 2001 to ...Web

Modeling land use change and forest carbon stock changes in temperate

Background Forests provide the largest terrestrial sink of carbon (C). However, these C stocks are threatened by forest land conversion. Land use change has global impacts and is a critical component when studying C fluxes, but it is not always fully considered in C accounting despite being a major contributor to emissions. An urgent …Web

Conservation and conflict in the Democratic Republic of Congo: …

Expanding mining concessions also threaten the DRC's forest, even though nearly 12% of it is under some form of protection. In this study, we used spatially-explicit data on conflict, mining, and protected areas, along with a host of control variables, to estimate the impacts of these factors on forest cover loss from 1990 to 2010.Web

Considering counterfactual scenarios in conservation planning

Counterfactual scenarios serve to simulate conditions without a project development and investigate the impacts of conservation strategies and their effectiveness (Nicholson et al., 2019).To quantify the cumulative impacts on B&ES resulting from LULC changes in a biodiverse region in the Atlantic Forest with a mining project and its …Web

Impact of open pit coal mining on the forest landscape

This study examined the impact of mining activity on the forest cover by using satellite images of 2000 and 2017 over the protected forest area of Barabini C.D. block of West Bengal. Land use land cover during the specified time experienced modification to a large extent. Over the past 17 years there is a drastic change in the land …Web

Impact of mining on vegetation cover: A case study of Prestea …

The study investigated the impact of mining on vegetation cover in the Prestea Huni-Valley Municipality using two-interval satellite images and predicted change for the year 2030. Land cover (forest and open vegetation) has significantly declined during the assessed period in the Municipality due to agriculture expansion, urbanization, and mining.Web

Resource extraction and infrastructure threaten forest cover and …

Mineral and hydrocarbon extraction and infrastructure are increasingly significant drivers of forest loss, greenhouse gas emissions, and threats to the rights of forest communities …Web

Assessing Longwall Mining Impacts on the Forests Above

Longwall mining is a method of carving "hallways" into underground coal seams and then mining long corridors of coal adjacent to the hallway. As the coal is mined and carried away via conveyer belt to the surface, the ceiling above the mined coal collapses. This can cause subsidence on the surface. Erin Pfeil-McCullough, a graduate …Web

The impact of gold mining and agricultural concessions on the …

From the data available, we are unable to comment on the impact of mining on forest cover in Hukaung before 2000, but there is evidence for a spatial association between tree cover decreases, gold ...Web

The impact of gold mining and agricultural concessions on the …

We use participatory mapping of 31 communities, focus groups in 28 communities, and analyses of forest cover change during 2000–2010 using MODIS vegetation continuous fields images, to understand the social and environmental impacts of gold mining and agricultural concessions in Myanmar's Hukaung Valley (~21,800 km 2). …Web

Impacts of forestation and deforestation on local temperature

Changing forest cover is a key driver of local climate change worldwide, as it affects both albedo and evapotranspiration (ET). Deforestation and forestation are predicted to have opposing influences on surface albedo and ET rates, and thus impact local surface temperatures differently. Relationships between forest change, albedo, ET, …Web

Environmental impacts of mining on biodiversity of Angul -Talcher open

Mining is on rise for last few decades in the area, covering huge belt of land and eventually also harming the forest cover of the Angul-Talcher forest division. Environmental Impact Assessment is a study of the effect of a proposed mining …Web

Forest and terrestrial ecosystem impacts of mining

Studies of impacts of mining on various measures of environmental quality and reclamation, for cases with acid mine drainage, open-pit and underground iron mining, …Web


1 coal mining impact on land use/land cover in jaintia hills district of meghalaya, india using remote sensing and gis technique k. sarma and s.p.s. kushwaha*Web

Large Omnivore Movements in Response to Surface Mining and …

Potential ecological impacts of mining include loss of forest cover, habitat fragmentation, changes in topographic complexity and associated alteration of soil, carbon sequestration potential and ...Web

(PDF) Assessing Impacts of Mining Activities on Land Use/Land Cover

The forest cover has decreased about 21.3%, meanwhile having nine fold increase in mining area from 1990 to 2020. The forest area lost during the study period was 7983.45 ha due to land cover ...Web

Mining's Impacts on Forests

2. Mining's impacts on forests. Better understanding of the drivers of deforestation and forest degradation is crucial to safeguarding forests. It is thought that around 73 per cent of deforestation is driven by commercial agriculture and subsistence agriculture, 10 per cent by urban expansion and infrastructure respectively, and 7 per …Web

(PDF) Mining impacts on forest cover change in a tropical forest …

Worldwide mining activities are one of the major anthropogenic activities that have caused high forest cover loss (FCL). In this study, we have quantified FCL in …Web

Exploring potential impacts of mining on forest loss and …

We found that mining, and other infrastructure associated with mines (i.e. roads), caused significant forest loss and fragmentation within neighboring mining …Web

An update on global mining land use | Scientific Data

Mining can cause a wide range of adverse impacts during mining operation and after closure, e.g. fragmenting the landscape and polluting soils and water with …Web

Quantifying the impacts of opencast mining on

It was observed that the major anthropogenic activities, particularly opencast mining, are the major factor for vegetation degradation in Jharkhand and Odisha states, …Web


Logging – cutting of trees for use as raw material. Mining and urban expansion – clearing of forest area for the construction of infrastructure. According to the secretariat of the UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change), agriculture is the root cause of 80% of deforestation.Web

Impact of mining on land use land cover change and water quality …

Land cover classification is important for understanding the impact of mining activities on the environment and for environmental impact assessment in general. (Obodai et al., 2019) (Obodai et al., 2019) assessed the pattern of land use/cover change in the Ankobrah River Basin in Ghana and concluded that forest changed drastically within …Web

Deforestation and forest regeneration following small-scale …

The objective of this study is to analyse the relative impact of small-scale gold mining on forest cover in the Suriname portion of the Amazon rainforest. Our principal questions are: (1) how much old-growth forest do small-scale gold miners remove, and (2) what is the pace and quality of forest regeneration on abandoned mining sites over time ...Web

Proposed Legislation to Mine Brazil's Indigenous Lands Will …

The impacts of proposed legislation to allow mining within Indigenous Lands in the Brazilian Amazon could affect a large extent of forests—up to 20% more than the potentially affected area under current trends of mining expansion. These forests are home to 222 culturally unique indigenous groups, and it is estimated to provide more …Web